GDPR Data Subject Rights Request - Non-ECU

Under the GDPR, individuals can request organizations to exercise rights around the use and collection of personal data and only applies to personal information captured or processed while a Data Subject is physically residing in the European Economic Area (EEA). For non-ECU requests only.
Full name of the Data Subject (including previous names) as they may appear on East Carolina University records.
Name of the department or school associated with this relationship.
Full EEA phone number including country and area code as it appears on East Carolina University records.
Full current telephone number including country and area code
Full EEA address as it appears on East Carolina University records
Information Being Requested
Information Being Requested
Information Being Requested
Information Being Requested
Action Being Requested
Action Being Requested
Action Being Requested
Action Being Requested
**The ability to stop processing and/or the ability to modify or delete personal data may be limited due to various legal requirements that East Carolina University is subject to.
Provide a clear description of the specific information or action that is being requested. This can include specific records, applicable date ranges, process details, points of contact at ECU or anything else that will help facilitate the request.
Please Attach Documentation That Validates Your Legal Eligibility to Act on Behalf of the Data Subject.
Do not attach any documentation to the ticket unless you have been specifically instructed to.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code