Poll Everywhere provides a platform for students to ask questions, participate in group activities and share thoughts through their phone or computer.
Step 1
Log in to Poll Everywhere and provide your individual URL to those who will respond. The URL is listed on the homepage when you log in.
Step 2
Select Activities from the left menu and then click the +Activity button.
Step 3
Select your activity type, complete the appropriate information, then choose +Create.
- Ensure you select a correct answer, when applicable, by selecting the check mark next to the answer choice.
- See additional types of activities by selecting the More option.
Step 4
Select the appropriate settings for the activity based on the needs of your course, meeting, etc.
- When presenting to groups affiliated with ECU, we recommend restricting to registered participants only.
- We highly recommend not making an activity anonymous. This cannot be undone.
Step 5
Click Present (top right).
- You can also start an activity from the Activity section. Click the target icon next to the activity you want to activate.