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This is the instruction card you will see in all HiTech classrooms. Information includes a recommendation to use Microsoft Teams for a full-featured experience, images to Join, Present and an image of the three modes explained in this article. The instruction card also includes the number for classroom support if you have audiovisual issues while teaching.
Figure 1. Classroom instruction card
Using Standard Classroom mode. Standard mode is still available and provides the traditional classroom experience for presenting the desktop computer, laptop (wired or wireless), document camera to face-to-face students.
Conferencing modes using Teams
Using Microsoft Teams, you have access to the new, full-featured conferencing modes and a white board feature.
Select a conferencing mode to change the content displayed on classroom monitors.
- Lecture Local. Used with traditional instructor station teaching.
- Lecture Remote. Remote participants can share content.
- Class Discussion. Participants can share a video.
Figure 2. Magnified conferencing modes
Schedule a Teams meeting
NOTE: Scheduling for Microsoft Teams Meetings in your new classroom is not integrated with Canvas. Scheduling is done in Outlook, and the room account is included in the Required invitee field, and you share meeting links with students in Canvas. To prevent scheduling conflicts, all meeting invitations are approved by an ITCS admin within 1 business day.
- Open the calendar feature in Outlook and choose the New Teams Meeting icon.
- Enter the meeting title.
- Add the HiTech classroom location in the Required field as well as any co-presenters. Example: Brewster C-103.
- IMPORTANT! Review the Meeting Options for your meeting:
Important Meeting Options
- Who can bypass the lobby? People in my organization and guests is the default and recommended setting.
- Who can present? Only me and my co-presenters is the recommendation. You must add the classroom as a co-presenter. Example: Brewster C-103 HiTech Classroom
Meeting Options screen:
Figure 3: Recommended Meeting Options
- Click Save, then close this screen.
- Teams Meetings supports recurring meetings. If applicable, click Recurrence in the Outlook menu and enter details into the dialog box. NOTE: Begin a Teams meeting in the classroom using the Join button on the Teams panel.
- To inform students about the meeting, copy the Microsoft Teams Meeting information from the Outlook invitation and paste into the Canvas location(s) of your choice. It is recommended to remind students not to share course meeting links. Course meetings are only intended for students enrolled in the course.
Figure 4. Teams meeting join information taken from Outlook invitation
Use Webex
Using Webex gives you access to the Standard Classroom mode. Currently, you cannot use the document camera and whiteboard features with Standard Classroom mode.
Record with Panopto
Panopto provides lecture recording, screencasting, video streaming and video content management. There are two options for recording with Panopto: (1) scheduled recordings and (2) ad hoc recordings using the Panopto option in the classroom. Submit a Panopto Service Request to schedule classroom recordings.