Tutorial - Join a Teams Meeting

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The Microsoft Teams collaboration tool is a perfect way to virtually meet with colleagues, co-workers and project team members. See these options to join and schedule meetings through Teams.

Join a scheduled meeting through a browser

When joining a meeting through the Teams web app (pirate365.ecu.edu) or desktop app (not mobile app), first click the meeting in the Teams calendar, then click the https://... link to join through the open browser.


Join a scheduled meeting through Teams desktop or mobile app

  1. Open the Teams app and click the calendar link. The Teams calendar opens.
  2. Find the meeting invite and click the Join link.
  3. The Teams meeting interface opens. Choose your audio/video preferences, like background, audio, video, etc.
  4. Click the Join Now link.

Teams desktop app calendar

Mobile app

Download the app

  1. Computer download –
    • ECU-managed computers should have the app
    • Personal computers need the download. Log in to mymail.ecu.edu and click the app launcher button. Open Teams. The download link is at the bottom of the purple menu bar.
  2. Mobile app – download from your device’s app store.

Begin an audio or video call through a Teams chat channel

From a desktop, mobile or web app chat channel, click either the telephone handset or video camera icon (top right) to begin an unscheduled call. The mobile app also has the Meet now feature through the Outlook calendar.

Desktop chat channel

Schedule a Teams meeting in the Outlook client

  1. Open your Outlook calendar in Microsoft 365 web, desktop app or mobile app
  2. Click Join Teams Meeting in the options ribbon.
  3. Complete the meeting details and send the invite. Note the Join Microsoft Teams Meeting option in the body of the invite.

Visit this Microsoft Teams Meetings support page for videos about screen sharing, PowerPoint presentations and meeting management.

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