How to Use CrashPlan with Your iOS Device

The CrashPlan app allows you to view and download files to your mobile device. You are also allowed to edit files if you have the appropriate editing app for that file’s type. Note that CrashPlan does not back up data from a mobile device. Files edited on your mobile device are not uploaded to your backup set.

Install CrashPlan PROe Mobile

1. From the App Store, download CrashPlan PROe. Be sure it’s the PROe version as the other versions will not work

2. Enter the server name first: Click Submit.

3. Type your PirateID/password at the prompt and click Sign in. The screen below opens. On the left, you will see the devices currently in your backup set.

Download, View and Edit Files

Once installed, CrashPlan allows you to view, download and edit files from your backup set. To edit files, you must have the editing app for files of that type.

1. Launch CrashPlan and enter your PirateID/password. Under Home, you will see all the different backup sets available to you. In the example below, the user has three different backups from three devices.

2. To view/download a file, select the appropriate device and locate the file in the directory. Click the file to view it. The selected file is checked to show that it has been added to the download queue. Multiple files can be selected.

3. You can also click the Open icon to share a file.

4. To delete downloaded files from your mobile device, return to the CrashPlan Home screen and select Downloaded files. Files can be individually selected and deleted or bulk deleted by selecting the edit icon (looks like a pencil) and then selecting all files to be deleted.

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Article ID: 67129
Mon 6/10/19 2:57 PM
Wed 6/5/24 1:35 PM
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Enterprise Storage