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Department-owned devices connect to a secured segment of the wired network.
Authentication, network segment do's and don'ts and more.
Allowed sharing and collaboration resources for the ECU wired network.
NEW USERS who need to activate their new ECU user account and create a password.
Follow these steps to index the first page of a batch, then subsequent batch documents into the same or different index.
Follow these steps to index fields in a document.
Follow these steps to add a rubber stamp or annotations to an Xtender document.
Follow these steps to import documents using Captiva.
Follow these steps to generate a list of indexed documents through a query.
Follow these steps to replace a document page in Xtender.
Follow these steps to add pages from a different batch to an Xtender document.
Request access and privileges for an Xtender application.
CURRENT USERS. Set up and manage verification methods that allow you to access ECU apps and systems.
"Copy" creates a second batch leaving the original in place; "move" relocates the original batch.
Steps to copy or move a page to another application in Xtender.