Tutorial - Mobile Email Settings

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Microsoft Outlook mobile app is the only ECU-supported email app for phones and tablets. Use these settings to set up Outlook on your mobile or tablet.

Note: All users change their ECU password annually. However, this process does not change the password for your mobile devices. This must be done manually. It is recommended that immediately before changing your password, you turn off the mobile app, then change your password, then update the Outlook app to avoid a locked account.

Step 1. Set a PIN for your device.

You may have already done this if you set up the Microsoft Authenticator app for account authentication (MFA).

Step 2. Download the Microsoft Outlook app

Download the app specific to your device, Android or iOS.

Step 3. Configure the app


  • Username:  complete email address
  • Exchange Server:  outlook.office365.com
  • Domain: leave blank

Mobile email setup for Android or iOS mail app

If you prefer to use the email app that comes with your mobile device rather than Microsoft Outlook mobile, follow these setup instructions:

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