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Meeting hosts. Key features to start and manage Webex meetings.
Get started
Start/Join meeting
Before joining or starting a meeting, you can select how you want to connect to the meeting audio and which audio and video devices you want Webex to use.

(1) Audio
Select how you hear and speak during a meeting.
- Use computer audio: Uses computer’s mic and speakers or connected devices (i.e., headsets, earbuds, microphones, etc.). Use Test speaker and microphone to verify your audio devices are working properly.
- Call me: Webex calls number you provide.
- Call in: Dial the provided number and access code to connect meeting audio.
(2) Unmute
- Mute/Unmute microphone
- Expand the Unmute drop down to verify or change microphones.
(3) Start Video
- Start or stop sharing your video.
- Expand the Start Video menu to verify or change video devices.
Tip: Before starting the meeting, start your video to check angle and/or lighting.
(4) Start or Join
Control Bar
The Control Bar allows quick access to meeting tools and features.

(1) Mute/Unmute
Tip: Hold down spacebar to temporarily unmute.
(2) Start/Stop Video
Note: Use dropdown to change cameras.
(3) Share
Note: Hosts may not allow participants to share.
(4) Record
Note: Hosts/Cohosts only.
(5) End/Exit Meeting
Note: Participants will see Leave Meeting.
Participants list/chat
Participant List
The menus to open the Participant List and Chat are located in the right panel of the meeting window.
Note: Hosts may not allow participants to view list.
Click the Chat bubble icon to open the Chat.
Note: Hosts may not allow participants to chat with other participants or with everyone.
Sharing screen/content
The Share feature allows sharing:
(1) Screens, Mobile Devices and Open Applications
(2) Files
(3) Whiteboard
(4) Computer Audio
Note: Hosts may not allow participants to share.
Participant Management
Manage participant microphones
Muting a Participant: Click the Mic icon located to the right of the Participant’s name.
Mute all: All participants are muted, except the host and participant currently sharing.
From the Participant menu, set options to Mute on Entry or Allow Attendees to Unmute Themselves.
Tip: For smaller meetings, we recommend allowing attendees to Unmute so that Host/Cohosts don’t need to Unmute participants.
Manage Sharing and Communication Privileges
If not set when scheduling, you can set which sharing and communication privileges participants have during the meeting.
Participant: Anyone Can Share
Participant menu > Anyone Can Share.
Disable this option if you don’t want participants to use the Share functionality.
Assign Privileges: Communicate
Participant menu > Assign Privileges > Communicate.
Set who participants may chat with privately or publicly.
Assign privileges: document, view and meeting
Participant menu > Assign Privileges.
(1) Document
Participants can print, save or annotate documents shared during a session.
(2) View
Participants can view the participants list, documents, participant thumbnail images or any page shared during a session.
(3) Meeting
Participants can share documents or control shared apps, web browsers, etc.
Change participant role
Right click a participant’s name and open the Change Role menu.
Role Descriptions
Cohost: Has full control of meeting experience just as host.
Presenter: Responsible for sharing and annotating presentations, whiteboards, documents, and applications in a meeting, but cannot control participant permissions.