Set Up and Manage Breakout Sessions


This article covers the essential steps to setting up and managing Breakout sessions during a Webex Meeting.

Breakout sessions Recording

Currently, activity that occurs in breakout sessions is not captured in meeting recordings.

In this article

Enable Breakout sessions

From the Control Bar, choose Options then toggle on Enable Breakout Sessions.

Screenshot: Enable Breakouts

Once Breakout sessions are enabled, a shortcut is added to the Control Bar. Use this shortcut to access all Breakout sessions settings.

Screenshot: Breakout sessions button on Control Bar

Breakout sessions Setup

Number of breakout sessions

Enter the desired Number of breakouts sessions. Additional sessions can be added later.

Participants per session

  • Assign automatically: Participants are automatically split evenly across sessions.
  • Assign manually: Host assigns participants.
  • Let participants choose: Participants select a Breakout to join.
Screenshot: Numeber of breakout sessions

Breakout sessions Assignments

  1. Not assigned: Use this list to manually select and move participants into sessions.
  2. Settings
    • Allow attendees to return to main meeting: Participants can leave breakout and return to main meeting.
    • Allow attendees to join session later: Participants can join breakout after breakouts are started.
    • Automatically end breakout sessions: Set time to automatically end breakouts.
    • When session ends, give participants more time: Participants remain in breakout for the time set in Set countdown timer.
  3. Reset: Clears all settings and assignments. 
  4. Add session
  5. Renaming sessions: Hover over the session name to rename.
  6. Start Breakout Session when done managing settings.

Screenshot: Breakout session assigments

Breakout sessions Management

  1. Broadcast: Message Breakouts, Cohosts/Presenters etc. A popup is displayed to each participant.
  2. Join: Drop into any session. A Leave option displays on the Control Bar after joining.
  3. End all breakout sessions: Ends Breakouts and returns Participants to Main meeting.

Screenshot: Session management

Leave breakout session Control Bar icon
Screenshot: Leave breakout session shortcut on Control Bar
Broadcast message example

Screenshot: Example of brodcast message

Breakout sessions Panel

Once breakouts have started, a Breakout sessions can be accessed from the Participants panel.

Join a meeting or expand the session to view Participants in each room.

Screenshot: Breakout sessions panel
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Article ID: 67644
Mon 6/7/21 10:46 AM
Mon 6/19/23 4:02 PM
Service Owner
Learning Technologies

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