Jump to Create your Bookings with me page | Book an appointment
Bookings with me is included with Outlook (web version only). Create a page of available appointments and share so that any user – faculty, student, staff or non-ECU user – can book an available one-on-one appointment with you.
IMPORTANT! Only faculty and staff can create a Bookings with me page. But anyone – students, staff, faculty and non-ECU users can book appointments with you once you share the link.
TIP: Share your Bookings with me page as a link in your email signature for scheduling office hours, advising sessions, interviews, etc.
Create your Bookings with me page
Step 1
Log in to mymail.ecu.edu to access your Outlook on the web calendar. Bookings with me is not available in desktop or mobile Outlook.
Step 2
Click the Create booking page link. Note that the link will change to edit booking page once you add appointments.
Step 3
Customize your booking page banner image.
Step 4
Create meeting types. Click the plus (+) sign within a meeting pane to open a new meeting type. Complete the form and click the Save button. If needed, customize most options, including availability hours.
- Public meeting. For example, meet with multiple students individually.
Click the plus (+) sign beside Public and complete the form.
Create as many public booking appointments as you need.
- Private meeting. Share the link with others. Only you and the person/s
who have the link can see this item and book an appointment.
- TIP: Need to edit or delete a meeting item? Find options through the
horizontal ellipsis icon located beside each item.
Step 5
Share your Bookings with me page
- Copy the link to send out or add to a document.
- Share a link with others.
- Add a link to the page to your email signature.
Book an appointment on someone's Bookings with me page
Step 1
Open the person's Bookings with me page. Sign in to ECU or book the appointment as a non-ECU guest.
Step 2
Click an event, then choose a date and time. Choose the Next button.
Step 3
Complete the form: name, email, notes. Click Book.