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Available to
Faculty, Staff, Students
Tech support at your fingertips!
Along with phone and walk-in IT support through Pirate Techs, the TeamDynamix service catalog and knowledge base portal give faculty, students and staff an online option for requesting assistance and accessing self-help tutorials for ECU resources.
- Service Catalog (log in required to submit request). Topic category folders contain a list of requests. Choose a service, complete the form and submit. The appropriate technician/team responds during business hours. The catalog is public; to submit a request you must log in with your ECU credentials.
- Knowledge Base (public; no log in required). Also organized by topic categories, article types include FAQs, step-by-step tutorials, overviews and best practices for many of ECU’s IT resources.
Access TeamDynamix
Method 1. From a mobile or computer browser, type The service portal home page opens.
Method 2. From the ITCS website home page, click the IT Services link in the main menu to open the service portal home page.

Find Your Topic
Choose Services or Knowledge Base from the TeamDynamix main menu to open either category page. Search or browse a topic or open the services A-Z list.

- Browse by category. From either the services or knowledge base category page, click a category to open the list of topic-related services or KB articles.
For example, click the Hardware – Software – Storage category, then the Storage subcategory to access OneDrive, Piratedrive and other file storage information.
- Search your topic. Type a topic, app or platform into the search bar. Typing the hashtag (#) in front of a term returns all items with that tag.
For example, type #OneDrive into the search bar to return a list of KB articles and services that have the tag, “OneDrive.”
Submit a Service Request
Follow this example of how to request assistance. You must log in to TeamDynamix with your ECU credentials to submit a request.
- Locate your service.
- Go to the Service Catalog page (or search for your request).
- Click the Hardware – Software – Storage category.
- Choose Storage category.
- Click OneDrive Cloud Storage.
- Click the OneDrive Cloud Storage service link.
- Complete the service request.
- Click the Request Service button. The request form opens.

- Complete and submit the request form. Attach any related documents.
Most requests are acknowledged within 2-8 hours same day or during business hours the next day, depending on criticality of the issue and when it is submitted.
TD Tips
Take advantage of these TD features found in the button section (top right). NOTE: Most features are only available when logged in to TeamDynamix.
- Subscribe. You're notified of changes to the article or service description.
- Share. Helping someone else? Share an article or service link.
- Add to Favorites. Keep a list of your most-used articles or services.
- Print. Sometimes, you just need a hard copy reference.
- Leave feedback for KB articles.
Need Help?
Call the IT Service Desk at 252-328-9866.