How To Manage Security Groups


Step 1.

From your desktop, right click and select New.

Select Shortcut.

The Create Shortcut dialog box opens.

Step 2.

Underneath “Type the location of the item,” insert c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe dsquery, OpenQueryWindow.

Click Next.


Step 3.

Type a name for the shortcut:

Group Management

Click Finish.

The Group Management shortcut should now show on your desktop.


Step 4

Double-click the shortcut to launch it.

The Find Users, Contacts, and Groups dialog box opens.




Change Entire Directory to using the drop down menu (top right text box).

Next, insert the name of the security group (or a portion of the name).

In the example (see right), we are

searching for security groups that

contain Piratedrive.


Click the Find Now button


Double-click your security group In the Search results box. The group’s Properties dialog box opens.

Step 5

Users can now be added or removed from the group by the group owner.

If the Add and Remove buttons are grayed out, you are not the owner and cannot modify group membership.

Once group membership has been modified, click OK.


New users must log off/log on to their workstation so that new group membership information propagates to their computer.

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Article ID: 67113
Mon 6/10/19 2:29 PM
Tue 11/22/22 4:07 PM
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Enterprise Storage