Tutorial - Set User Permissions

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Follow these instructions to set access permissions or delete users from a Piratedrive folder. Instructions created using a Windows system.

Step 1. Access the Piratedrive folder properties

  1. From File Explorer, right-click the U: drive.
  2. Choose Properties to open the Properties dialog box.

Step 2. Open the Security tab

Note the two sections, Group or user names: and the Permissions section.


Step 3. Add the new user

  1. Choose the Edit button.
  2. Click the Add button. The Select Users dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the PirateID of the person you are adding into the Object names text box.
  4. Press the Check Names button to confirm a valid ID.
  5. Click OK.

You should now see the person’s name and email address in the Group or user names box of the Properties dialog box.

To remove a user’s access from a Piratedrive folder, highlight the name and choose Remove.

Step 4. Set access permissions for the new user

  1. Back in the Permissions dialog box, click the new user’s name to highlight.
  2. From the Permissions for xxxxxxx box, choose the appropriate permissions (see table).
  3. Click OK.


  • To allow a user to have read-only access, keep the default permissions (Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read).
  • To allow a user to makes updates to documents, choose Modify.
  • Only administrators should have Full Control.
  • DO NOT delete the Administrators, Domain Admins or Piratedrive access ID accounts.

NTFS File Permission

Allowed Access

Read View files, folders and subfolders. Also allows viewing folder ownership, permissions and folder attributes.
Write Create new files and folders within the parent folder, view folder ownership and permissions and change the folder attributes.
List Folder Contents View the files and subfolders contained within the folder.
Read & Execute Navigate through all files and subfolders and perform all actions allowed by the Read and List Folder Contents permissions.
Modify Delete the folder and perform all activities included in the Write and Read & Execute NTFS folder permissions.
Full Control Change permissions on the folder, take ownership and perform all activities included in all other permissions.


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