Tutorial - Create Multiple Indexes from One Batch

IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers | Submit a Ticket


Xtender is an imaging and storage system used by administrative staff to capture, organize and retrieve paper and computer-generated documents at ECU. Follow these instructions to create multiple indexes from one batch.


  • Documents left in the batch list are not saved to any specific student.
  • Once a document in a batch list is deleted, it cannot be recovered.
  • All users with E-MM-PCARD application folder access can view, open or delete the documents in this batch list.
  • Be sure to check the batch list of documents every time you log in to Xtender to keep this list empty.

Step 1

Does the remaining page have the EXACT same index values as the first page?

Yes No
Click the Attach All Pages icon, then OK in the dialog box to complete indexing. The CURRENT page displayed needs a DIFFERENT index value. Click the New Document icon.
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Step 2

Enter the index values for this page and click the SAVE button. Go back to Step 1 until all documents to the right have been indexed.


Step 3

Return to the batch list to see if there are any more of your batches. Click the Uploaded Batches link to return to the batch list of documents.


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