Tutorial - Delete a Document

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Skip to a section: Delete through query | Delete an open document


Xtender is an imaging and storage system used by administrative staff to capture, organize and retrieve paper and computer-generated documents at ECU.

Follow one of two options to delete a document in Xtender.

Option 1. Delete through query results

  1. Log in to Xtender and run a query for the document you are deleting.
  2. From the query results, click the checkbox/es beside the document/s you are deleting.
  3. NOTE: Clicking the checkbox on the top row SELECTS ALL DOCUMENTS in the application.
  4. After document selection, click Delete in the blue option bar. All checked items are deleted.
  5. Click Delete when the confirmation prompt appears.
  6. A log of successfully deleted documents opens Click OK.

Option 2. Delete an open document

  1. Open the document to be deleted.
  2. Click the Document option (top left). Choose Delete Document.
  3. Click Delete when the confirmation prompt displays
  4. Click OK. A prompt displays confirming the deleted document.