Tutorial - Email, Print, Export an Xtender Document

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Skip to a section: Email a document | Print a document | Export a document


Xtender is an imaging and storage system used by administrative staff to capture, organize and retrieve paper and computer-generated documents at ECU.

Follow these steps to email, print or export an Xtender document.

Option 1. Email an Xtender document

  1. Run a query in your Xtender app to locate the document to be emailed.
  2. Open the document.
  3. Click the Email link at the top of the screen.
  4. IS THIS YOUR FIRST TIME SENDING EMAIL THROUGH XTENDER? Type your ECU email address into the Mail Registration dialog box to register your account. Click OK.
  5. Check your email for the code.
  6. Copy the code into the Mail Confirmation dialog box. Click OK.
  7. The Mail document dialog box opens. Type in the subject, message and other information. Click Send.
  8. NOTE: If you only want to send several but not all pages of a multi-page document, select Page Range via the Attach select box.

Option 2. Print an Xtender document

  1. Open your Xtender document.
  2. Click the Print link at the top of the screen.
  3. A print dialog box opens. Choose to print all pages, just the current page or a page range. You can also hide annotations. Click Print.
  4. The document opens in your browser. Click the printer icon.
  5. The print dialog box opens. Choose the printer. Click OK.

Option 3. Export an Xtender document

  1. Open your Xtender document. Click the Export option at the top of the screen.
  2. From the Export Document dialog box, choose the appropriate number of pages. Options include all pages, current page, a page range and the options of hiding annotations and using PDF format. Click the Export button.
  3. The file downloads to your computer. Click OK to save the file to your computer.
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