Tutorial - Export Multiple Files to a Folder

IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers | Submit a Ticket


Xtender is an imaging and storage system used by administrative staff to capture, organize and retrieve paper and computer-generated documents at ECU.

Follow these steps to search for and then export selected documents.

Step 1. Run a query to find documents

  1. Log in to Xtender and open your application folder.
  2. Click New Query.
  3. Choose search values, then click RUN.

Step 2. Export documents

  1. Check each document to be exported as one PDF file.
  2. From the document options menu, choose Export.
  3. Select EXPORT COLD from the drop-down menu.
  4. The PDF dialog box opens. Choose Save File then click OK. The new PDF file is downloaded to your computer.
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