International Travel and Collaborations

See the International Travel SOP located on the Office of Export Controls and Customs’ website.

Federal export control laws and regulations govern the shipment, transmission and transfer of certain goods, technology, software, technical specifications, data and the provision of services to foreign nationals and foreign countries. Traveling internationally and conducting business and collaborating with certain countries, entities and individuals, including but not limited to some universities and faculty, may be restricted or prohibited. These restrictions sometimes apply even for basic research activities.

The reach of export laws and regulations on a college campus is broad. For example, export control regulations may apply when faculty, staff or students:

  • Ship or hand-carry items to locations outside the U.S. – this includes but is not limited to travel with ECU-issued laptops and similar devices;
  • Travel to certain sanctioned or embargoed countries for research, to teach, or to attend open conferences;
  • Transfer export-controlled technical data to persons located outside the U.S.

Authorization in the form of a federally-issued export license may be required prior to international travel depending upon items taken, countries visited, travel purpose, or services to be provided. Additionally, travelers returning with items obtained while traveling internationally may be subject to customs procedures upon return to the U.S.

Please log your travel request in ECU’s travel system PRIOR to travel and as much in advance to departure as possible. Regardless of funding source, all international travel that supports an individual’s ECU role should be input. ECU’s Office of Export Controls and Customs will screen the itinerary and will contact the traveler for further information. You’re also welcome to reach out to the Office of Export Controls and Customs directly at


Tony Rowe

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ECU users planning international travel on behalf of ECU should submit this form to determine whether additional approval, licensing or other coordination is necessary for export control purposes.

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