Export Controls Review


An ITCS technician will respond to support requests during regular operating hours.

 Phone: 252-328-9866 / 800-340-7081

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Federal export control laws and regulations govern the shipment, transmission and transfer of certain goods, technology, software, technical specifications, data and the provision of services to foreign nationals and foreign countries. Traveling internationally and conducting business and collaborating with certain countries, entities and individuals, including but not limited to some universities and faculty, may be restricted or prohibited. These restrictions sometimes apply even for basic research activities.

ECU users planning international travel on behalf of ECU should submit this form prior to traveling to determine whether additional approval, licensing or other coordination prior to departure is necessary for export control purposes.

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Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students


No fees are associated with this service.

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Related Articles (1)

Traveling internationally and conducting business and collaborating with certain countries, entities and individuals, including some universities and faculty, may be restricted or prohibited. Read this article to find out more.