Best Practice - Conduct an Effective Videoconference

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What to Wear

Most cameras are low contrast and low resolution. To help the camera focus on your face and transmit as much detail and expression as possible, consider these suggestions for what to wear:

  • Avoid all white or all black, bulky clothing, polka dots, fine stripes, plaids, big, shiny jewelry or dangling jewelry.
  • Do consider wearing pink, blue, green and fuchsia


  • Create an agenda. Distribute to participants prior to the conference and include the date, time, time zone, participant list and meeting contact.
  • Provide instructions in case of technical difficulties such as disconnection.
  • Appoint a moderator for each location to assist the facilitator with time monitoring, attendee participation, etc.
  • Do a dry run of your presentation in the room to ensure the room has all tools and media necessary for your conference.
  • Always have a Plan B.

During the Conference

  • Introduce all participants at the beginning of the meeting.
  • Remind participants to identify themselves and their site before speaking.
  • Remind participants to address the person to whom they are asking a question.
  • Encourage participation by calling on specific sites for comments or questions.
  • Look at the camera when talking.
  • Announce when participants enter or leave the room.
  • Use tent cards to show the names of participants and/or sites.
  • If wearing a wireless microphone, avoid hitting your chest, coughing into the microphone and rustling hair or clothing.
  • Avoid excessive paper shuffling, side conversations or finger tapping. If you are not speaking, mute your microphone.
  • Be aware of silent participants. During a multi-point conference, a site may not be shown on the monitor unless someone at the site speaks.
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