With Poll Everywhere for macOS you can insert activities directly into both PowerPoint and Keynote. From simple activities like multiple choice and word cloud to surveys and even competitions, a few clicks will get you up and running.
You can also create new activities from within the app without having to leave your presentation and log into the website. Follow the steps below to get your presentation deck set up and begin interacting with your audience.
Step 1
Open a new or existing slide presentation in either PowerPoint or Keynote.
Step 2
Open the Poll Everywhere for macOS app. The Poll Everywhere icon appears in your doc when the application is running.

Step 3
If you are not already logged in, the Log in window appears. Enter your ECU PirateID account credentials and click Log in.

Step 4
In the Poll Everywhere app window, select the activities to insert by clicking the checkboxes, then tap the Insert button (bottom right).

After all the selected activities are inserted, slides with mock ups of your activities appear in the deck. Each activity has its own slide. This placeholder slide is indicated by blue marks in the corners that tell the system where to display your activity. (The survey placeholder looks a bit different and you can find some tips on using surveys further in this article.)

Step 5
Switch to Slide Show/Presentation mode to review slides. Select the Slide Show tab, then click either Play from Start or Play from Current Slide.

Your activities load and activate from within your presentation. Whichever question is displayed is automatically activated and able to receive responses.