Tutorial - QR Join Code Download

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As a presenter you have the option to download and easily share with students an image (PNG) version of your QR code through PowerPoint presentations or Canvas course content.

Step 1

While logged into Poll Everywhere, click the Profile icon (lower left corner). Your Personal info opens.


Step 2

Underneath Username, you see Download QR Code. Click this link to save a PNG file version of the QR code to your device.


Step 3

You can now insert the downloaded QR code into a PowerPoint presentation, canvas content or print the code for easy access.

Note: If you update your personal URL (www.pollev.com/yourinfohere), you need to also download an updated QR code.


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Article ID: 67776
Fri 9/6/24 11:40 AM
Fri 9/6/24 12:07 PM
Service Owner
Learning Technologies

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