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    Over the next few months, faculty and staff ECU-owned computers are migrating to Windows 11. This article outlines the project details.
    Follow these best practices to create a backup of your ECU-managed Windows computer in preparation for a new system, a hard drive re-image of the same system, a software update or insurance against a hard drive crash.
    Connect and configure the ECU eduroam network for your Windows device.
    POLL EVERYWHERE. Download the Poll Everywhere PowerPoint add-in for Windows through the ECU Software Center.
    This article outlines the pre-replacement tasks for faculty and staff receiving a replacement ECU computer.
    The Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique series of letters and numbers that works with the IP address to identify your system on the ECU network.
    A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure connection between your off-campus computer and on-campus resources.
    Windows only. User Account Control (UAC) for ECU-managed Windows devices.
    Windows. Students can download Microsoft Visio, Project and other apps through the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching.
    Check the areas of your Windows 10 computer that Defender is protecting.