Tutorial - VPN Connection/Windows

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ECU-managed computers. Even though the campus resources you access may not require it, log in to the VPN at least weekly for a few hours to ensure you receive the latest updates that fix bugs, patch security holes and sometimes add new features and support for products.

ECU’s virtual private network (VPN) is an encrypted, virtual tunnel between off-campus devices and on-campus information. Connecting to ECU through a VPN prevents data theft between the server and your off-campus device. For faculty, staff and students.

Users can only connect to resources for which they already have access. Account Authentication is required to open a VPN session.

Install the AnyConnect VPN app (first use only)

If this is your first time using a VPN, first install the app. This can be done on or off campus.

ECU-managed computers already have this app installed. Continue to Step 2.


  1. Log in to remoteaccess.ecu.edu.
  2. Verify your identity using your ECU authentication method.
    ATTENTION: The phone call option for account authentication may not work during the first VPN login. Temporarily change your primary method to text message or mobile app. Once VPN is set up, feel free to change back to the phone option. Change your method at pirate365.ecu.edu.
  3. Read the Terms of Use and click Continue.
  4. Follow the prompts to install the AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. You may need to restart your computer.

Step 1. Launch the AnyConnect client to begin a VPN session

Click the AnyConnect icon. The Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client dialog box opens. Type in remoteaccess.ecu.edu. Click Connect.

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Step 2. Enter your PirateID/password

The Single Sign-on dialog box appears. Type in your full ECU email address. Click Next.


Type your ECU password. Click Sign in.


Step 3. Authenticate your account.

Verify your identity through your two-step authentication method. The Acceptable Use Policy dialog box opens.

Step 4. Agree to the Acceptable Use Policy.

Review the Acceptable Use Policy and click Accept to continue. If you do not agree, please click Disconnect to end the connection.

You are successfully connected and able to open any ECU resources for which you have access. You can verify your connection and check the session timer by clicking the AnyConnect icon in the systems tray.

At the end of your session, click the Disconnect link.

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A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure connection between a user’s device and internal ECU campus resources. Submit this form for assistance with VPN or to request a department-sponsored, non-employee account.