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    Services or Offerings?
    Licensed by ECU, this backup application is available to faculty and staff for an annual subscription fee.

    Request the removal of department hardware such as servers, network switches, storage, etc., from either the Cotanche or Brody Data Center.

    DatAdvantage tracks permissions and data changes on department Piratedrive folders and emails a report to owners.

    Submit this request if your department or group requires support or increased storage space on an NAS server.

    Microsoft's OneDrive is ECU's approved cloud storage solution.

    The Netbackup Client is available for enterprise and department servers.

    Hardware/OS support for Unix & Linux servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Unix/Linus servers.

    Hardware/OS support for Windows servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Windows servers.

    Xtender is a document imaging and storage system used to capture paper and computer-generated documents. Submit this request for questions and training, to modify an existing application or to request a new application.

    Request a consult to add a department server or increase storage on a current server in the ITCS Data Center. Backup options also available.