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    Services or Offerings?
    If you cannot find the service you need within these categories, click the "Submit a Ticket" button to submit a technology support ticket to the Pirate Techs Technology Support Center.

    Services related to our websites, including content management systems and personal websites.

    25Live is ECU's web-based reservation request and event scheduling solution. All ECU staff, faculty, and registered student organizations can use the 25Live system to reserve space on campus. Users must complete the 25Live Requestor Training in order to have access to 25Live.

    Systems Coordination request.

    Campus departments which already utilize a TouchNet Marketplace U-Store can complete this form to obtain approval for new products, FOAPs be added to their existing U-Store and/or to have existing FOAPs updated.

    Request for one-time data need either once a year or one time only.

    ECU applicants who require assistance with their Admissions Portal account submit this form.

    Licensing for Adobe Creative Cloud suite of graphic design, video, photography and web development applications plus Adobe Acrobat Pro information.

    We help design and develop custom, interactive projects or answer VR-related questions.

    AppWorx is a job scheduler used for automation of Banner-related processes. Submit this service to request an AppWorx account.

    AppWorx is a job scheduler used for automation of Banner-related processes. Submit this form to request a new client installation or support.

    AppWorx is a job scheduler used for automation of Banner-related processes. Submit this form to request a new run request, schedule a process flow (chain), migration (prompt, role, process/chain component change) or modification of an existing job or schedule.

    Geographic Information System software available through the ECU Download Center.

    AssetWorks AiM is a work management system and database of ECU’s physical space and employee location inventory. This service is only for support personnel to submit service requests for AiM, AiMIQ and related processes.

    Departments considering an audiovisual equipment update should submit this form.