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    Services or Offerings?
    Submit this request for assistance with developing security content for your area.

    Request course consultations or attend a monthly training session for any of our learning tech platforms.

    Overview of Cornerstone is ECU's employee training portal.

    TeamDynamix PPM is a project portfolio management system utilized by East Carolina University to manage projects. The Project Management Office is available to provide you face-to-face training or step-by-step instructions on how to use TeamDynamix PPM. If you need TeamDynamix PPM training, please submit this request.

    Faculty and staff request assistance with portal features and questions such as searching for training, reviewing a transcript or scheduling events.

    Cornerstone is ECU's training management system for faculty and staff. After HR approval, online courses are packaged and uploaded to Cornerstone within ten business days. .

    Submit this request for assistance with Cornerstone security access and permissions.

    SUPPORT FOR THIS SERVICE IS CURRENTLY PAUSED. Faculty and staff submit this request to have a new classroom engagement or co-curricular engagement badge designed for a class, training or other activity. A brief training on issuing badges is also required.