An ITCS technician will respond to support requests during regular operating hours.
Phone: 252-328-9866 / 800-340-7081
Register for Training
Courses, documents, email announcements, websites, software and more are required to be as accessible to as many people as possible. These training sessions help you understand and apply the standards.
Available To
Faculty, Staff, Researchers
Learn More
IT Accessibility Developer Training
Audience: Technical support staff
Registration: Invitation based on role
Delivery: Face-to-face training for system admins and technical staff
This course is designed for technical staff who develop and support ECU applications and websites. Participants are invited based on their role.
Creating Accessible Content for Instruction
Audience: Faculty and instructional support staff
Registration: Cornerstone
Delivery: Face-to-face training
This course is designed for faculty and staff who create instructional content and provides an overview of the accessibility of ECU learning platforms with instruction on creating accessible content using tools like Microsoft Office, PDF files, graphics and video.
Creating Accessible Email Messages and Announcements
Audience: Faculty and staff who send campus-wide email Announcements
Registration: Cornerstone and online resources
Delivery: Face-to-face training and online resources
The course provides instruction on creating accessible email content and is designed for staff who send email announcements to the campus community.
Accessible Online Course Content in Cornerstone
Audience: Faculty and instructional support
Registration: Cornerstone and included in the distance education modules
Delivery: Online in Cornerstone and through DE Modules
This course is designed for faculty and staff who create instructional content and provides an overview of the accessibility of ECU learning platforms with instruction on how to create accessible content using tools like Microsoft Office, PDF files, graphics and video.
Siteimprove: Understanding Your Website Report
Audience: Faculty, staff and students who maintain web content
Registration: TBD
Delivery: TBD
Siteimprove is a software solution that detects broken links, misspellings and accessibility issues for any website hosted by This resource is designed to help you read and understand the Siteimprove report for your website.
IT Accessibility Training for Purchasers
Audience: Staff who purchase software for campus
Registration: Cornerstone and online resources
Delivery: Face-to-face training and online resources
This course provides an overview of how to determine if a product meets ADA requirements.
No fees are associated with this service.