Overview - Announce Listserv

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Available to

Faculty, Staff

What is the Announce listserv?

Operating under the authority of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration the Announce LISTSERV is available to faculty and staff for ECU business announcements. Members can post topics that include ECU-related news, maintenance, deadlines, campus events, facilities, opportunities and other ECU information. Messages of a personal nature are not allowed. Users subscribe through their ECU email.

Questions and concerns may be directed to the Enterprise Risk Management Office in the Division of Administration and Finance.

Join Announce

The Announce list is not moderated, so messages are distributed immediately. Each message should follow these guidelines:

  1. Do not post the same message more than once.
  2. Check a message for accuracy before sending.
  3. Do not post personal messages or questions to the list.
  4. Always include a subject with the message.
  5. Post emails formatted to be accessible. See the related article.

User Guidelines

  1. Address an email to listserv@listserv.ecu.edu
  2. Do not include a subject or signature file
  3. Type the message SUBSCRIBE announce Firstname Lastname
  4. Replace Firstname and Lastname with your name
  5. Send the email

Solicitation Policy

Announce is for ECU business only. University policy prohibits personal "door-to-door" solicitation by all users, including faculty, staff, ECU clubs and ECU organizations. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Canvassing – to solicit orders, political support or to determine opinions or sentiments
  • Peddling – to sell or offer for sale
  • Soliciting – to approach with a request or plea

As a reminder, the State Employees Combined Campaign (SECC) is the only officially authorized event for canvassing and promoting voluntary donations from ECU employees to external organizations. This campaign is conducted annually in the fall. However, Announce can be used from time to time to draw attention to officially sanctioned events and activities provided they originate from and/or significantly benefit an ECU unit, activity, or official organization. The rule of thumb is that 50% or more of the proceeds of any event publicized should go toward the ECU-related organization/club/activity or the service activity/cause should be a primary outreach for an ECU unit/club/activity. In addition, the guideline for only a single posting also applies. Users should refrain from posting or re-posting fund raising and charity event notices from external sources (churches, businesses, etc.) that are not directly related to ECU.  

Solicitation and guideline violations

Users failing to adhere to the basic guidelines may:

  • 1st Offense: Receive a guideline reminder message.
  • 2nd Offense: Receive a guideline reminder message with a copy sent to supervisor.
  • 3rd Offense: Be blocked from using Announce.
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Related Articles (2)

Frequently asked questions for the Announce LISTSERV.
Use these commands to subscribe, unsubscribe and more.

Related Services / Offerings (1)

A listserv is software used to manage an email discussion group. Submit this form to request a new listserv for a class or group. Faculty and staff may also join the ECU Announce listserv.

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