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University departments are responsible for the security, confidentiality and integrity of data covered by federal and state legislation.
When using ECU digital media capture systems, you agree you have been informed and understand the best practices and policies as well applicable laws associated with these tools
To prevent data loss and compromise, every user should report security concerns whether benign and accidental or malicious and deliberate.
Confidentiality terms and conditions pertaining to virtual meetings.
Follow these guidelines when accessing and using HIPAA data using a mobile device
Occasionally, viewing access to course recordings is required for peer review, accreditation, sharing, etc. See this standard procedure for requesting access.
Since Departmental Administrators of IT systems may have increased access and privileges, they must also agree to the contents of this document annually.
You must agree to the conditions in this confidentiality agreement to be granted administrative privileges to Mediasite.
You must agree to these terms and conditions before uploading and using the Microsoft Stream service.
Terms for using the REDCap secure research studies management system.
Terms for using a SharePoint site.