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    Services or Offerings?
    Follow CET's approval process when purchasing new IT software and technology.

    Report a lab issue or request a software/equipment consultation for a computer lab.

    Request the removal of department hardware such as servers, network switches, storage, etc., from either the Cotanche or Brody Data Center.

    Submit to request department printer installation, repair or a consult/price quote.

    Request a consultation if you are purchasing a technology product or need help determining a technical solution or navigating an upgrade.

    The purpose of the Technology Threshold Assessment (TTA) is to aid ITCS in evaluating the information/data in the system and make the appropriate determination about how to treat the information/data, as required by University, State, and Federal regulations.

    Hardware/OS support for Unix & Linux servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Unix/Linus servers.

    Hardware/OS support for Windows servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Windows servers.