Technology Purchase Consultation


A representative of the ARB (Architecture Review Board) will contact you during regular business hours.

 Phone: 252-328-9866 / 800-340-7081

Submit a Ticket


If your area is purchasing a technology product,* needs help determining a technical solution or navigating an upgrade, submit this request to schedule a consultation.

ITCS can help you:

  • Determine whether ECU already provides a solution.
  • Suggest technical questions you need to ask the vendor.
  • Verify how your new product will fit into ECU's existing IT architecture.
  • Navigate security requirements.
*NOTE: This technology purchase consultation is most helpful if completed before the Technology Request Form is submitted in PORT. If you're already working with Materials Management and certain decisions have been made, our consultation – while not as effective – will still provide required security and installation details. If in doubt, submit the request, and ITCS will determine how to help.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Departments

Get Started

Submit your technology need or purchase proposal. An ARB (Architecture Review Board) representative will contact you during regular business hours.

Please provide as much detail as possible about your request. If you are already working with a vendor, attach your proposal and any documentation about the technology, installation, required hardware and how it is architected.

Related Policies and Guidelines

IT Security and Compliance knowledge base category


No fees are associated with this service.

Submit a Ticket

Related Articles (1)

Supported options for department computers, printers and peripheral equipment like flash drives and servers.

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