CET Technology Purchase Request


A CET technician will respond to support requests during regular operating hours.

 Phone: 252-328-9623

Submit a Ticket


When purchasing IT equipment or software for your area, please begin the process by submitting this request. Have questions? Submit a comment through this ticket, and an IT Ops tech will respond. This request is updated through each step of the CET process.

Once approved by IT Ops and your department chair, the request then follows the ECU IT purchasing process (see Related Links on this page to learn more).

CET Purchasing Process

  1. Submit this request. Be sure to include all purchasing information.
  2. Request routes to department chair for approval.*
  3. Request routes to CET IT ops for approval.*
  4. Request routes back to your area and entered into the PORT system.
  5. Request is updated through the entire process (including the ECU purchase process) and closed once equipment/software arrives.

ECU Purchasing Process

  1. PORT request reviewed by ECU Technology Acquisition Committee (TAC).
  2. PORT request reviewed by Accessibility Committee (if appropriate).
  3. PORT request reviewed by Materials Management.

*Communication is documented through this request. You may be asked for additional information. If a request is denied, you receive an explanation.

Related Links

Available To



No fees are associated with this service.

Submit Request

Related Articles (2)

Supported options for department computers, printers and peripheral equipment like flash drives and servers.
Faculty and staff are should maintain a software inventory list and proof of software purchases for their ECU-managed computer.

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