Consultation Services

Services provided by ODAS include, but are not limited to: 

Data Analysis and Management 


Quality and Process Improvement 

Data visualizations and reporting

Analysis of educational data 

Predictive analytics 

Survey development and analysis 

Assistance with data collection for LCME accreditation documents 

Data analysis consultations for research studies 

Longitudinal studies of medical education and related data 

Assistance with IRB approval:

IRB documentation review data collection 

data review  

analysis of data 

survey development 

Assistance with development of data reports and measures for improvement recommendations 

Assistance with development of data reports to track improvement progress 

Consultations for process improvement - business process and data management 

All requests will be prioritized based on the type of data or service being requested, resources needed, urgency, and staff’s workload. Prioritization will also be at the discretion of the ODAS staff:

Level 1 - Request is identified to have a critical completion date. Request is considered to have an extremely high impact on the BSOM daily operations and/or could interfere with services provided to students, faculty, staff, and/or any regulatory agency. Request received from high-level administrator(s) at the School, Division, or University. 

Level 2 - Request is identified to have a critical completion date. Request has limited impact on BSOM operations or some interference with services provided to students, faculty, staff, or any regulatory agency. 

Level 3 - Request is identified to have a flexible completion date. No impact to BSOM operations. Resources and information to complete the request are readily available. 

Level 4 - Request has no due date specified. Resources are limited and/or information to provide service is not available. No direct impact to BSOM operations. 

Once your request has been received, a staff member will be assigned as the direct point of contact for your request. The staff member will contact you within  48 hours of the ticket assignment. 

Request a Service

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