PointSolutions - Manage Course Lists, Sessions, Grades


In this article, we’ll provide first steps for managing synced Canvas course lists, sessions, and grades. Not all steps include screenshots.

Before You Begin

  • Complete all steps in the Canvas Setup, Download Software article.

  • Courses must be synced in Canvas to automatically import and update in the PointSolutions Dashboard.

  • All tasks in this article are performed from the Manage tab of the PointSolutions Dashboard.

In this Article

Synced Canvas Course Lists

Viewing Student Registration Statuses

Import and Manage Class Session Files

Upload Grades to Canvas

Synced Canvas Course Lists

  1. From the PointSolutions Dashboard, open the Manage tab.
  2. Synced Canvas courses display in the left column with a (a) cloud icon. Student data updates nightly.
  3. If a course list is not current, click the (b) Refresh icon to update all synced courses.

Screenshot: Manage tab synced courses

Viewing Student Registration Statuses

  1. With a course selected, you can (a) Upload grades to Canvas, (b) Update to import new data from Canvas, (c) review student registration and (d) e-mail unregistered students.
  2. Students should have check marks in the Subscription and Account Linked columns.
Note: After registering in Canvas, their registration status will update.


Screenshot: View Student Registration Status

Import & Manage Class Session Files

Import Session Files

Session files are saved at the end of each polling session.

  1. From the Manage tab, select a course you want to import session(s) to.
  2. From the Session dropdown, choose Import. Browse to the file save location and import. You may import multiple files.
  3. When promoted, choose Leave in Place so files remain in the original save location.
  4. Import session file(s) display below the synced course name. Files can be dragged to different courses if a mistake is made.

Screenshot: Import sessions

Screenshot: Imported session file

Manage Session Files

With a session file selected, you can (a) Edit Session and (b) generate Reports or (c) open Results Manager.

Screenshot: Manage sessions options
(a) Edit Session: Adjust question/scoring options. Review screenshots (if using AnyWhere polling).

(b) Generate Reports: Attendance, Results by Question, Results by Participant, etc.

(c) Results Manager: See all session data and grading. Set participation points and participation thresholds for attendance.

Upload Grades to Canvas

  1. Select the synced Canvas course you want to import grades into the Canvas gradebook for.
  2. Click Upload Grades, then choose the session(s) or points you want to import.
Note: This process can be repeated to update gradebook columns/rows to for students who register clickers/mobile devices late.

Screenshot: Upload grades

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Article ID: 67092
Fri 6/7/19 10:27 AM
Wed 6/19/24 10:11 AM
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Learning Technologies

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