PirateID Account Eligibility


Account Type Account Created Account Terminated
Prospective Students On admission Account deactivated 120 days after admission if student is not registered. Account is deleted 365 days after deactivation.
Current Students On admission Account deactivated 120 days after last term enrolled. Account is deleted 365 days after deactivation.
Graduates On admission After 120 days of inactivity, the @students.ecu.edu account is converted to ecualumni.ecu.edu. Non-returning graduates only.
Returning Graduates On admission If account has already migrated to ecualumni domain (more than 120 days), the alumni account converts back to the previous student account. If graduate enrolls within 120 days, they keep same student account.
  • Undergraduate students not enrolled for one or more semesters (except summer session) must apply for readmission.
  • Graduate students must register for at least one credit hour each semester (except summer session) until all degree requirements are complete (thesis, professional paper, internship). If there is a break in enrollment, the student must apply for readmission.

Employees/Unpaid Affiliates/Vendors

Account Type Account Created Account Terminated
New Employees HR information is entered into Banner Account deactivated on last work date or termination date (whichever is earliest). Microsoft 365 data deleted after 30 days. Account deleted 365 days after deactivation.
Returning Employees New account created once HR information is entered into Banner Account deactivated on last work date or termination date (whichever is earliest). Microsoft 365 data deleted after 30 days. Account deleted 365 days after deactivation.
Unpaid Affiliates* HR information is entered into Banner Account deactivated on last work date or termination date (whichever is earliest). Microsoft 365 data deleted after 30 days. Account deleted 365 days after deactivation.
Vendors** Account created w/receipt of service request Account active up to 3 months; restricted to required systems only; no access to MS Office apps.

*Submit the Unpaid Affiliates Account request form to extend a prospective employee's PirateID account past 45 days.

**To extend a vendor's access, submit a new expiration date through the Vendor PirateID Account service request.


Account Type Account Created Account Terminated
Retiree* Reactivated by retiree after initial account termination Must log in at least once a year or account is terminated

*Retired faculty/staff are allowed to reactivate their PirateID account/ECU email/academic web space up to six (6) months after their last work day.

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