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    See this comprehensive list of compliance policies and requirements.
    Occasionally, viewing access to course recordings is required for peer review, accreditation, sharing, etc. See this standard procedure for requesting access.
    GraphPad Prism is a commercial scientific 2D graphing and statistics software for Windows and macOS desktop computers.
    This website has been designed to provide general information about DNASTAR, Inc. and its affiliates.
    You must agree to the conditions in this confidentiality agreement to be granted administrative privileges to Mediasite.
    Closed captioning benefits, resources and instructions.
    Some technology products are exempt from the 508 requirements for accessibility, or you may request an exception. See these requirements.
    Student Terms and Conditions for using Microsoft software.
    You must agree to these terms and conditions before uploading and using the Microsoft Stream service.
    Terms for using a SharePoint site.
    This MOU outlines the scope of services and responsibilities for systems hosted by departments.
    Conditions for using the statistical software, SPSS.
    Conditions for using the SAS statistical software.
    Conditions for using this statistical software.
    Conditions for using this statistical software.