Financial Services Piratedrive Access


A Systems Coordination analyst will respond to support requests during regular operating hours.

Submit Ticket


This service processes access requests to Piratedrive folders managed by Financial Services ONLY, specifically the following:


Requests for any other Piratedrive access should be submitted to either ITCS or the appropriate piratedrive department owner.

Available To

ECU faculty, staff & student employees

Get Started

  1. Identify the specific folder access desired and the purpose for this access.
  2. Identify your supervisor.
  3. Both your supervisor and the folder owner will be contacted for approval prior to your receiving this access.

Related Policies and Guidelines

Service Availability

Create a request anytime but expect responses between normal ECU business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Integrated Services




Also Known As



No fees are associated with this service.

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