An ITCS technician will respond to support requests during regular operating hours.
Phone: 252-328-9866 / 800-340-7081
Submit a Ticket or Project Request
Skip to a section: Project Prioritization Dates | Current Top 25 Projects | Project Request Submission
What is a Project?
A project is a temporary, planned undertaking with a definitive beginning and end that follows guidelines and creates a unique product, service or result based upon specific, agreed-upon outcomes.
At East Carolina University, projects include but are not limited to:
- Software development
- Application modifications
- Server implementation
- Network installation/configuration
- Web development
- Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software implementations
Projects go through a review process governed by Information Technology and Computing Services (ITCS). The process involves an assessment of the feasibility, risk and complexity of the requested project. Requests are then categorized to ensure that complex, enterprise-level IT projects are planned, organized, documented, managed and completed in a timely manner while providing superior service to the university.
ITCS prioritizes projects each quarter based on the following schedule:
Task |
Timing |
1Q Dates |
2Q Dates |
3Q Dates |
4Q Dates |
Begin new quarter priorities |
1st business day of new quarter |
01/02/2025 |
04/01/2025 |
07/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Announce to ITCS and campus stakeholders |
Monday after prioritization prior to new quarter |
12/20/2024 |
03/24/2025 |
06/23/2025 |
09/22/2025 |
CIO/Direct Reports prioritization meeting |
3rd Thursday afternoon of month prior to new quarter |
12/19/2024 |
03/20/2025 |
06/19/2025 |
09/18/2025 |
Technology Planning & Priorities Committee (TPPC) |
3rd Wednesday of month prior to new quarter |
12/18/2024 |
03/19/2025 |
06/18/2025 |
09/17/2025 |
Administrative Systems Committee (ASC) |
2nd Wednesday morning of month prior to new quarter |
12/11/2024 |
03/12/2025 |
06/11/2025 |
09/10/2025 |
Academic Technology Committee (ATC) |
2nd Wednesday afternoon of month prior to new quarter |
12/11/2024 |
03/12/2025 |
06/11/2025 |
09/10/2025 |
Deadline for business cases/matrix to committee chairs from PMO |
1st Friday of month prior to new quarter |
12/06/2024 |
03/07/2025 |
06/06/2025 |
09/05/2025 |
Deadline for submission of new projects to consider |
Monday before 1st Friday of month prior to new quarter |
12/02/2024 |
03/03/2025 |
06/02/2025 |
08/29/2025 |
Related Links
Available To
Faculty, Staff
Request Submission
There are three REQUIRED information sections of the form.
- Project Information - captures general information about the project
- Documentation - documentation in support of your project (the form must be saved to attach documents)
- Project Expenses - lists hardware and other expenses

A partially-completed form can be saved and completed later; however, all required fields of the first section, Project Information, must be completed to save the form. Required fields are denoted by an asterisk, and we’ve included hints/tips for each field. The Documentation and Project Expenses sections can be accessed later and completed before submission.
The following information is required to save the form. All fields can be edited until you submit the form.
- Project Name
- Sponsor Name
- Department
- Start Date
- End Date
- Stakeholders
- Multi-year Project
- Project Manager
- Compliance
- Lessons Learned
- Project Budget
- Funding Approval
- Description
To continue working on an incomplete request, bookmark its location or click on the View My Project Request link. This link shows you the status of your new request as well as any other requests for your department.
Once a form is submitted and ITCS completes its review, you receive an email indicating the results.
Learn More
No fees are associated with this service.