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    Services or Offerings?
    Departments considering an audiovisual equipment update should submit this form.

    Request installation and repair for ECU-managed computers, clinic support, purchase consultations and computer surplus pickups.

    Request a consultation if you are purchasing a technology product or need help determining a technical solution or navigating an upgrade.

    Hardware/OS support for Unix & Linux servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Unix/Linus servers.

    Hardware/OS support for Windows servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Windows servers.

    The project office provides both project planning and management support services from our team of highly-trained project managers.

    TeamDynamix PPM is a project portfolio management system utilized by East Carolina University to manage projects. The Project Management Office is available to provide you face-to-face training or step-by-step instructions on how to use TeamDynamix PPM. If you need TeamDynamix PPM training, please submit this request.

    ECU’s technology purchase process ensures that procurement of all IT equipment, software, Internet of Things devices and services (including cloud services) follows a process of request, guidance, review, then approval.

    A project is a temporary planned undertaking with a definitive beginning and end. See prioritization dates and instructions to submit this project request form.