Tutorial - Onboard Mac to Eduroam

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These instructions help you connect (onboard) your Mac device to the eduroam network. During setup, the JoinNow wizard checks minimum requirements and installs a certificate on your device. This certificate is active for four years.

IMPORTANT! If you are OFF campus or already connected to ecu-wifi or your cellular service, open your web browser, navigate to https://onboard.ecu.edu. THEN SKIP TO STEP 2.

Step 1

Click the Wi-Fi button on your screen (top right). Select eduroam. Enter your PirateID and password. Click the Join button.


After connecting, open a web browser and navigate to https://onboard.ecu.edu. The ECU Network Configuration Utility opens.

Step 2

From the ECU Network Configuration Utility, click JoinNow. The ECU SecureW2 Wrapper downloads.


Step 3

From your Downloads folder, double-click the ECU_SecureW2_Wrapper (.dmg file).


If a caution message appears, click Open.


Step 4

A notification appears indicating a separate dialog will launch to continue sign-in. Click Next.


Step 5

The Microsoft login page opens. Enter your ECU email address. Click Next.


Step 6

The ECU single sign-on (SSO) page opens. Enter your full ECU email address and password. Click Sign in.

IMPORTANT: If you are not on the ECU network while following these steps – you are at home or using cellular service, for example – you will be asked to authenticate your account through MFA. 

Step 7

A dialog box opens asking you to allow ECU_SecureW2_Wrapper to make changes. Enter the username and password of your Mac device. Click OK.


Step 8

The security certificate is stored in your keychain. A dialog box opens asking you to allow access to your keychain. Enter your keychain password. Click Always Allow.

IMPORTANT! If you click Allow rather than Always Allow, you may be prompted for your keychain password when attempting to connect to eduroam in the future.


Step 9

Double-click to install the downloaded profile, East Carolina University eduroam.


The review window opens. Click Install.


A confirmation dialog box opens. Click Install again. If you are prompted for username/password, enter the admin account for your MacBook.


Step 10

If you are in range of the eduroam network, your device automatically connects.

If you are off campus, a message states that eduroam is out of range. When you return to campus, your Mac will automatically connect to eduroam. Click Done.


IMPORTANT! It may be necessary to disconnect your wifi from eduroam and reconnect to complete the process after you click Done. If this is the case, you may see the dialog box from Step 8 after you reconnect.

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