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    Allowed sharing and collaboration resources for the ECU wired network.
    Add new devices to your department's secured segment of the wired network.
    Article list for eduroam network. Connect your Android, Chromebook, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows device.
    Onboard a Linux device to the eduroam network.
    Connect and configure the ECU eduroam network for your Mac device.
    See answers to common questions from new users.
    Connect and configure the ECU eduroam network for your Windows device.
    Connect and configure the ECU eduroam network for your iOS device.
    Connect and configure the ECU eduroam network for your Chromebook.
    Connect and configure the ECU eduroam network for your Android device.
    Authentication, network segment do's and don'ts and more.
    Network Access Control Project Phase V overview and building schedule.
    The Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique series of letters and numbers that works with the IP address to identify your system on the ECU network.
    If you live in a residence hall and wish to connect a smart TV or other internet-ready, multimedia device, please follow these steps to register the device in the My Devices Portal.
    We want to ensure that all in the Pirate community are aware of effective ways to work safely and securely in both an on-campus or remote environment.