Microsoft Teams - Schedule a Meeting in Canvas


Microsoft Teams Meetings integration allows instructors to create and embed meeting links within the Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE). Once a Teams meeting is created, it can be started and joined from within Canvas.

Before You Get Started

  1. Recordings: Recordings are not stored in Canvas. Instructors log in to ECU Office 365 to retrieve recordings from Microsoft Stream and share with students.
  2. Recurring Meetings: The Teams Meetings app in Canvas does not provide an option to schedule recurring meetings.


Submit the ECU Canvas Help request and choose the Teams as from the Type of Issue dropdown.

Schedule a Meeting

(1) From the Rich Content Editor (RCE), click the Apps icon.

Screenshot: RCE Apps icon

(2) Find and click the Microsoft Teams Meetings app.

Screenshot: Teams Meetings App

(3) Sign in.

Screenshot: Microsoft Teams Sign in button

(4) Click Create meeting link.

Screenshot: Create meeting link

(5) Enter  (a) Title (b) Date and Time and (c) click Create.

Screenshot: Meeting Schedule

(6) IMPORTANT: Click Meeting options to set student permissions and meeting settings. Options cannot be modified after the meeting has been inserted.

(7) Click Copy to insert the Meeting link into the RCE (see example below).

Screenshot: Meeting Options

Meeting Link Example

Instructors and students join the meeting using the generated link.
Be sure to Save and Publish your changes in the RCE.

Screenshot: Meeting Link example after copying

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Article ID: 67551
Mon 6/1/20 11:07 AM
Mon 6/19/23 1:18 PM
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Learning Technologies

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Canvas is ECU's learning management system for delivery of educational courses.