Report/Dashboard Access and Support (ecuBIC and Power BI)


An ITCS technician will respond to support requests during regular operating hours.

 Phone: 252-328-9866 / 800-340-7081

Submit a Ticket


The ECU Business Intelligence Center (ecuBIC) allows Banner users to create specialized reports using Banner information within a self-service environment.  Tickets submitted from this queue are for support and access only.

IF YOU ARE REQUESTING ASSISTANCE WITH AN ecuBIC REPORT for finance data such as general ledger, budgeting, position funding or payroll history, please submit the appropriate Systems Coordination request. Thank you.

IF YOU ARE TELEWORKING: If working remotely and not connected to the ECU network through a virtual private network connection, you are required to verify your identity through Multifactor Authentication (MFA) when logging in to ecuBIC. This is the same method used to log in to your email account and other systems when off campus.

To learn more about MFA or change your authentication method, visit the Multifactor Authentication service page.

Related Links

Data and Report Requests

Available To

Faculty, Staff

Get Started

Visit to view reports. Training for ecuBIC can be found through Cornerstone.

Features and Benefits

East Carolina University's reporting system houses multiple report types. Each type of report is designed to display data in a different format based on the customers need.

  • MS Power BI - Interactive dashboards and data exploration
  • MS Report Builder - Paginated and subscription based reports
  • Excel Online - Brower based excel reports
  • Mobile Report Publisher - Mobile based reports

Service Availability

ecuBIC is available 24 x 7. Scheduled system updates occur as needed within the ITCS maintenance window. (Sunday 5:00 am to 12:00 pm).

Service Level Expectations

Support tickets are assigned and responded to with a 24-hour response time. Development tickets are assigned and responded whenever resources are available. During peak times such as the beginning and end of each semester, support ticket response time may increase. NOTE: When experiencing an issue with a ecuBIC, please document the time of the issue, and if possible, capture screenshots. Screenshots are helpful in determining the root cause of the issue.

Learn More

Training available through Cornerstone

Also Known As



No fees are associated with this service.

Submit a Ticket

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