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    ECU data stored external to ECU requires authorization of the department head, data owner and CIO.
    Allowed sharing and collaboration resources for the ECU wired network.
    Questions from ECU users on using the Yubikey security key MFA device.
    Overview of ECU multifactor authentication options as well as links to set up tutorials.
    Set up phone call verification as the authentication method for your PirateID user account.
    ALL USERS. See these best practices for configuring Azure Multifactor Authentication.
    Set up and manage your ECU account authentication methods
    Add new devices to your department's secured segment of the wired network.
    ECU-managed Mac users change their password locally rather than using PirateID Self Service.
    Approvers conduct twice-yearly security reviews.
    University departments are responsible for the security, confidentiality and integrity of data covered by federal and state legislation.
    Submit the online Password Change form, visit your nearest Pirate Techs location or the self-service password reset portal.
    Set up text message as the authentication method for your PirateID user account.
    Set up the Authenticator mobile app as your default two-factor account verification method.
    Authenticator App number matching is one of the options you can use to verify your identity when logging in to ECU resources.