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    Services or Offerings?
    Submit this request if your department requires an ECU-managed iPad or Android tablet be configured for a single user or multiple users.

    Request access to the approved Email Service Provider (ESP) and distribute HTML marketing emails to your audience. This platform also provides performance analytics.

    The ECU fax server allows staff, faculty and departments to easily and securely send and receive documents directly through Outlook.

    Piratedrive is a secure network-attached storage folder available to faculty, staff and students.

    The Netbackup Client is available for enterprise and department servers.

    Request a consultation if you are purchasing a technology product or need help determining a technical solution or navigating an upgrade.

    Hardware/OS support for Unix & Linux servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Unix/Linus servers.

    Hardware/OS support for Windows servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Windows servers.

    Submit for installation of department-purchased Microsoft Project or Visio software as well as Microsoft Visual Studio.

    ECU’s technology purchase process ensures that procurement of all IT equipment, software, Internet of Things devices and services (including cloud services) follows a process of request, guidance, review, then approval.

    Required when purchasing hardware and/or software to ensure compliance with sensitive information guidelines and policies.