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    Services or Offerings?
    Request revocation of Banner security roles and ask general questions related to Banner security and password issues.

    ECU-managed computers only. If you suspect your work computer is infected with a virus or other malware, submit this form for help.

    DatAdvantage tracks permissions and data changes on department Piratedrive folders and emails a report to owners.

    Request encryption be enabled for ECU-purchased computers, tablets, thin clients, USB hard drives and flash drives.

    MFA, also called 2-step verification or two-factor verification, is ECU's required security action to verify your identity during log in to ECU resources.

    Supervisors submit this request BEFORE an employee's separation date to remove access to IT systems.

    Submit this request to the Office of the Registrar for approval to host (store) FERPA data.

    ECU blocks all file-sharing traffic on the university’s network. Submit this request for an exception to use software such as BitTorrent, uTorrent, or Vuze for a legitimate business or academic purpose.

    Submit this contact form to request Data Steward approval to collect Level III or IV data.

    Submit this request for assistance with developing security content for your area.

    Submit this form to request guidance on your department's business processes to ensure the security of your department's information.

    Submit this request for assistance with the identification, assessment and management of risks to University information.

    The Information Security Office maintains information security standards for ECU which define the responsibilities of all employees for protecting university information.

    Microsoft Intune helps users balance data access with data security on a mobile device.

    Rapid7 InsightVM is a vulnerability management service that autonomously scans servers, network devices and other applicable systems to assess the vulnerability/exposure landscape as well as ensure these systems are in compliance with campus policies.