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    Services or Offerings?
    Licensing for Adobe Creative Cloud suite of graphic design, video, photography and web development applications plus Adobe Acrobat Pro information.

    Follow CET's approval process when purchasing new IT software and technology.

    Request assistance or report an issue with your workstation, classroom and conference room technology or other technology need.

    Report a lab issue or request a software/equipment consultation for a computer lab.

    Licensed by ECU, this backup application is available to faculty and staff for an annual subscription fee.

    Desktop Support for REDE staff only. This includes but not limited to, computer re-imaging, network connectivity, ECU supported software, and printer support.

    SAS statistical software licensing available through this request.

    Request a software license transfer or an installation, re-installation, repair of department-purchased software or your computer's operating system.

    Statistical softwares available for ECU users available through the ECU Download Center.

    Access the login link and remotely connect to Windows 10 desktop to complete class assignments. Students can also submit this form for assistance, and faculty can request a software image for a course.

    This required review ensures your software purchase is accessible based on Section 508 and W3C guidelines.

    LinkedIn Learning is an educational video platform taught by industry experts in software, creative and business skills. ECU provides all users with an account.

    SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a software suite for advanced analytics, multivariate analyses, business intelligence, data management and predictive analytics. ITCS offers free SAS training.