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HealthSpan Report requests must have prior IRB approval before a report is distributed. Refer to the ECU HIPAA Privacy Policy for details.

The Data and Report Request form is a centralized ticket for faculty and staff to submit new requests for institutional data and reports.

Submit your request to receive access or support to specific dashboard(s) and/or reports.

Submit this request for assistance with generating reports and vitas in Faculty180.

DatAdvantage tracks permissions and data changes on department Piratedrive folders and emails a report to owners.

The ECU Business Intelligence Center (ecuBIC) allows users to create specialized reports to support the university's strategic initiatives. Submit this ticket to request access to or assistance with an ecuBIC report.

Request assistance or report an issue with any COB department website.

Request assistance or report an issue regarding Canvas, Studio or other Canvas app.

Request assistance or report an issue with lecture capture.

Request a report or dataset.

Request assistance or report an issue with COB facilities, maintenance or housekeeping.

Submit this request to report Database issues/outages in production, test, training and development environments.

Report a lab issue or request a software/equipment consultation for a computer lab.

Request technical support and hands-on training for campus audiovisual equipment or report equipment outages.

Request assistance or report an issue with ShIP.