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    Microsoft Stream is a secure video service (part of your ECU Microsoft 365 subscription) that works as an ECU-only, online video repository or within Teams, SharePoint and Office apps like PowerPoint and Word.
    When using ECU digital media capture systems, you agree you have been informed and understand the best practices and policies as well applicable laws associated with these tools
    Written permission or a syllabus statement is required when including students, patients and others in research, project or promotional videos.
    This article provides resources to help students learn to get started using the viewer, recording, uploading and editing videos.
    Video reference copies are the recommended method for sharing videos into Canvas courses or sections that are not cross-listed. This article provides key information and steps for creating and identifying reference copies.
    This article provides students essential resources or using Studio to record or upload media and submit assignments.
    This article provides steps for activating Panopto in Canvas.
    your ECU LinkedIn Learning account can be connected to your personal LinkedIn social network account. Read this important information before you decide to connect your accounts.
    You must agree to the conditions in this confidentiality agreement to be granted administrative privileges to Mediasite.
    Department application administrators agree to this digital media capture MOU annually.
    According to the ECU Video Captioning Requirements, video content publicly available on the ECU website must contain closed captioning.
    You must agree to these terms and conditions before uploading and using the Microsoft Stream service.
    See these questions/answers for Microsoft Stream.